Saturday, November 6, 2010


Kirsten smacked the test down on the kitchen table with a fierce slap.
"You FAILED your math test?!" Kirsten yelled.
I cringed. "Um.."
Kirsten went to get my backpack out of the coatroom. I sat there in a chair by the kitchen table, fearing the worst. My sisters were slowly trickling downstairs to see what all the commotion was about.
Kirsten marched back in. She poured out the contents of my schoolbag onto the table. A pit of fear balled up in my stomach as I realized that all of the items in my bag were useless - Glee music sheets, my cellphone, a 10 dollar bill, and one little dictionary.
Kirsten's eyes flared.
"What is this?" Kirsten dug into one of my bag's side pockets and took out a note.
Darn, I thought, as I recognized the note to be the note that Bridget & I were passing between ourselves in Spanish class.
"Well, well, well, Sonali Beth Lynne." Kirsten said - I cringed because I knew she NEVER ever used my full name. "You failed your math test, you got a 54% on your spanish and you just edged by your social studies test with a 60%. Am I proud? No." Kirsten spat in my face.
I sat there, expressionless.
That annoyed Kirsten.
"All right, young lady, if you have nothing to say, I'm taking away all Glee and music privileges. No iPod, iTunes, Glee Club, and no, you are not going to be watching the new Glee episode on Tuesday with the rest of your sisters. Now go to your room!"
That was it. My expressionless face morphed into the ugliest, most raging face I could ever muster.
"Fine, Kirsten. If thats the way you want it. Fine."
I stomped upstairs and slammed my door.



  1. Look Kirsten, I don't know what prank you're trying to pull, but you are acting just like Samantha right now, except that she kicked Bailey our of her own home! Yeah you heard me, and Sonali is going through a depression right now, so either you clean your act up, or I'm flying up there to give you a piece of my mind!

  2. :(

    At least you can always watch the episode later on

    {sorry for being so unhelpful.}

  3. Oh, Sonali, I'm sorry :(
    I imagine that's awful for you, but as much as I say that...Kirsten only did it because she cares about you. Honest to God she loves you.
    I hope you can get through all the crap you're going through right now. If you need anything know you have a lot of loyal people to talk to.

  4. Oh, Sonali. That's just awful. JUST awful. I failed a world history test last Monday and Samantha was furious with me. I got grounded from my cellphone for two weeks. But, as Emma said, Kirsten only grounded you because she cares about your education and your grades. I would just talk to her and tell her what's wrong...because if you're struggling in a class, you should get some help from your teacher, or maybe one of your other sisters can help you?


  5. I am so sorry you had this happen .. there is not much else to say that everyone before me has already said the good things .. Kirsten just cares .. be glad that you do have someone who cares about you and your education and life.


  6. Hi! I am Lissie, Sam's newest doll.
    It stinks you failed! Better luck next time!

