Saturday, December 18, 2010

Feeling Happy

"Pass the silver glass ornaments, Chris!" I called out from the top of the stepladder. Chrissa picked up the divided box of tree trimming ornaments and passed it to me. I adorned the top half of the tree.
Stepping back down the ladder, I looked around the room. Erin was sitting down on the sofa, her face hidden behind a huge glass of hot chocolate, which she was pretty much chugging down. Kirsten was lugging yet another old box of colorful balls & tree keepsakes into the room. Julia quickly sent a text to her friend. Elizabeth and Felicity were dusting off the older ornaments together. Everyone else was skipping around in a holiday-ish jaunty way, putting ornaments here and there on the tree, while half-singing along to the Glee Christmas music playing.

Everyone was smiling. Bethie and her family were going to visit for New Years. Both families of dolls had decided to spend Christmas alone in their own homes, but for New Years Eve we were gonna party it up.

I sat down on the couch next to Erin and sighed. "Whats wrong?" Erin said. "There's only 8 more sleeps until Christmas, and I still have no idea what I want."
Erin gasped. "Are you KIDDING?! I got MY Christmas list finished and sent waaay back in November! I wanted a hovercraft, a Beatles tee shirt, a personal assistant, a Glee calendar, an iPod Touch, ,a cellphone, a Canon camera.." I drifted off as Erin described her whole list to me.
I imagined Christmas morning. It would be weirder this year - We're not getting anything AG. Grace didn't put anything from AG on the top of her list, and it disappointed Felicity, as that meant she'd never get anything more from her collection. I was disappointed too, because that meant most of Grace's AG Christmas rituals would be forgotten this year, just like how she puts out her dolls Christmas night on the sofa facing the Christmas tree, or how she gets a little tree ( a real one ) for us every year, but not this year..

But after Christmas everything was going to be.. okay. Our tenth doll would be coming. Kanani. She's gorgeous. I'm doubting that she'll be a nice doll, though - she doesn't really look like it. Everyone else in the family is drooling over her.



  1. Oh Erin and her silly Christmas list.... xD[Note to Erin from Erin--Nikons are better xD]

    But I'm sorry about Kanani. Erin wasn't particularly attracted to the book covers, but maybe seeing her in doll-form will change her mind.

    See ya December 27th, Sonali! That's when we leave for Canada! Woop woop!

    And according to Kit, Erin has a Christmas tradition where we dolls have a big Christmas sleepover around the Christmas tree! Then when we wake up, we get into our Christmas dresses and wait for Erin to open presents. I'm sorry Grace isn't asking for any AG stuff, maybe Erin can beat the sense into her xD


  2. Kanani looks gorgeous, yes, but that doesn't mean she's not nice! I mean, seriously, look at you. :D

