Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Year Without Rain..

I stood there in front of the school's washroom mirrors and twirled one of my lazy curls around my finger. I sighed, wishing I were back in Ohio.

A fair-haired caramel beauty walked into the washroom slowly - I could see her enter through my view of the mirror. It was Bridget. "Hey!" I spun around. "Bridget, whats up?"

Bridget looked at me for a second, then slowly came towards myself and latched herself onto me with a hug. "Whaa -" I started. Suddenly heaving sobs started coming from Bridget. Her head was on my shoulder. I rubbed her shoulder awkwardly, guessing this was what the good sort of friends did when their friends were in distress in the movies.

"What could be wrong?!" I said gently, as Bridget cried. She lifted her head, her cheeks and eyes red.
"Annabeth said Camden was going to break up with me!" Bridget moaned, then turned to the sinks to splash her face with water depressed-ly.
My mouth made an O-shape. Camden was Bridget's boyfriend of 3 months. Bridget simply adored him - she was so sweet, could he possibly break her heart?

My eyes blurred as I gathered my hate for Annabeth. How dare she tell Bridget this?

It all makes me wonder - is love just an illusion? They say love is like magic, but magic's all just a trick, y'know.



  1. Love is not magic. Magic is not love.

    Love is something more-- love is something indescribably more.

    Annabeth is selfish, stuck-up, and just plain mean. She's probably just saying it out of spite to make Bridget upset... Camden seems kind, and not all love stories end as tragedies.


  2. Love is not magic. Love is TRAGIC. Love is a picture painted by two artists, only to be destroyed months, weeks, or even days later.


  3. Love could be an illusion. Depending on how you look at it. Not everyone sees an illusion, just like not everyone can see love.
    You have to have the right eyes and the right heart. ;) Which I'm sure Bridgette has, but Annabelle does not.

