Sunday, July 11, 2010

VEEERY Important Summer Updates!

Hey to all you bloggers, its Grace here!
(and for those of you who are wondering, yes, I DO know about Sonali's blog, and I think she spends too much time on it, so I'm taking her place today..!)

I'm here to explain about some ... stuff.

We have two themes that we are going to work our photos around for this summer! "Imagine" is our main theme, which means most of my photos will be quirky, colorful, sets with dolls doing all the things you humans do when you like to let your imagination go wild and free - imagination games, reading, dancing when do one is watching, exploring. Its all going to be VERY quirky .. Our second theme isn't as grande, its "True Colours" and we are going to be taking a set of photos to coordinate with the music video of "True Colours" by Glee we are doing. "True Colours" will be photos taken with vivid, exploding color, whether its a bursting-with-brightness flower or a colorful sunset..

All these photos will be available on Flickr, and hopefully YouTube at one point.


Time Of Our Lives - Miley Cyrus - Starring Erin (JLY #35)
True Colours - Glee Cast - Starring Chrissa

Aaaaaand, lastly....

Did you have tea parties with a few fellow teddy bears? Did you go to ballet class with your favorite doll? Did you roam the "jungles" in your backyard, searching for the mighty jewel that would save the whole kingdom?

We want to know! We need ideas for some "Imagine" photoshoots. Hopefully we'll incorporate every single one of your ideas! :)



  1. This sounds cool! Hmm.. for this "Imagine" thing you speak of:

    We used to sit in a laundry basket, as if it were a boat, and "row" it with a stick. We were trying to avoid the "alligators". Oh, we were quite the awesome kids.

    -Abbey and Chloe

  2. Your photography themes sound amazing Grace! One of my favorite imagination games I would play when I was a kid was having my very own concert. I would get all the chairs in the house, put my dolls and stuffed animals (plus my dad)in the chairs and hold a "concert". I always sold out of concert tickets. :)

    -Ashley (Claire's owner)

  3. Erin here:

    When my brother and I were younger we would play with our Beanie Babies all day long. We'd use my Barbie cars to drive them around and we'd hold birthday parties and presidential elections and concerts and plays for them. We'd have wars against the Neopets and Build-A-Bears and when we visited our grandparents house we'd use our grandpa's shoes as boats and our grandma's Beanie Babies to play with. Oh, it was so fun! But he's 15 now. And he's no fun. :(


  4. My sister and I always used to gather all of the Barbie dolls and Bratz dolls we owned and dressed them in their fanciest dresses. And we used to make them have a wedding, complete with exchanging wedding vows and a reception after.
    It's one of my favorite childhood memories. And to this day, sometimes my sister will come up to me and say "Wanna have a wedding?" :3


  5. I used to love to play horses, pretend that I was a horse living in a wild herd and had a whole family going on .. or when I was on my real horse I was usually either a princess or pirate on some kind of an adventure.

