Saturday, May 1, 2010

A couple reminders!

Yesterday Grace was practicing for her choir concert when she saw a big signed paper with "Guys And Dolls 2007" written on it in the back room. She immediately thought of Bethie and her owner Erin. Isn't that cool?

Anyway, I'm here to let you know about some of the stuff we have coming up!

We will be shooting Alice once the rainy weather clears up (camera+rain = no no), and Grace's birthday is in exactly a month! June 1st! When the time comes, wish her a happy birthday, will ya?
She will be havin a hippieeee birthdaaaay partyy.... both of the Erin's will be super jealous! We're gonna splatter clear plastic tarp and cover the walls, and transform one of the rooms into a disco dancefloor. Oh yeah, baby!

And today Grace and her mother went to a big "seconds" sale at the nearby art center. She got a basket, some pillows, groovy fabric, a book of crafts to make, some yarn for scarves when the weather grows cold again, more fabric and all that shmuck. The pillows are cute and we're giving two of them to Chrissa, and one of them to Kirsten.


1 comment:

  1. Erin IS jealous! But your half of the twin will be there! She might have a hippie birthday, too. But her birthday is in 3 months and 14 days. We're counting down, hehe!
